

editors, Donald B. Calne, Susan M. Calne
出版情報: Philadelphia : lippincott Williams & Wilkins, c2001
シリーズ名: Advances in neurology ; v. 86
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Nakae, Hideyuki ; Tsushima, Hitoshi
出版情報: 弘前医学.  65  pp.55-64,  2014-04-15.  弘前大学大学院医学研究科・弘前医学会
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/10129/5315
概要: Background/Aims: We investigated the relationship between problems in daily living such as falls and the practice of hom e exercises in patients with Parkinson’s disease (PD) in Japan, to show the requirements for their eff ective and sustainable home exercises.Methods: An anonymous questionnaire was sent by mail to 159 PD patients who were members of the Miyagi Prefecture Branch of the Japan Parkinson’s Disease Association. The questionnaire included questions on PD symptoms, chief complaints, history of falls, use of the nursing care insurance program, and performance of exercise therapy.Findings: The questionnaire response rate was 62.3%. Falls had been experienced by 38 subjects (44.2%) during the month before the survey and by 52 (60.5%) during the 6 months before the survey. More than half (52.3%) of subjects had never undergone exercise therapy at a medical institution, and those who continued to undergo exercise therapy accounted for only 12.8% of all subjects. Thirty-three subjects (38.4%) did not undergo exercise therapy on a regular basis in any setting. Conclusion: To prevent a decrease in activity due to disuse muscular atrophy, it is important to establish more eff ective home exercises for home-care PD patients so that they can do these exercises on a regular basis. 続きを見る


吉村, 伊保子
出版情報: 弘前医学.  35  pp.350-364,  1983-09.  弘前大学医学部
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/10129/1708
概要: Parkinson病40例の病歴学的研究により、精神症状を検討した. 34例において、経過中に精神症状がみられた. 20例では抗Parkinson(以下抗パ)剤投与前にもみられ、その症状は記憶・記銘力障害・抑うつ状態, 神経症状態, 性格変 化, 幻覚などであった. 抗パ剤で治療し経過観察された24例では全員に, せん妄, 痴呆, 幻覚, 妄想, 抑うつ, 不安, 焦燥, 神経症状態, 軽躁状態, 過食, 性的行動異常, 多幸, 反社会的行動などのいずれかがみられた.Parkinson病の経過中にみられた上記精神症状は次の3群に分けられた. すなわち, (1)心理的要因に基づいて生じた神経症状態や抑うつ状態など, (2)痴呆, (3)抗パ剤による中毒性精神症状である.したがって, Parkinson病患者の治療に際しては, 心理的, 環境的因子を十分に考慮する必要性があることを述べた.くわえて, 痴呆を伴った2例の剖検例を報告し, Parkinson病の痴呆の発生病理における大脳皮質病変の役割についても呈示した. 続きを見る