

佐藤, 江里 ; 田村, 綾女 ; 丹藤, 雄介 ; 須田, 俊宏 ; 中村, 光男 ; 山岸, 昌一
出版情報: 弘前医学.  59  pp.110-117,  2008-03-31.  弘前大学大学院医学研究科・弘前医学会
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/10129/704
概要: 病歴の長い糖尿病患者において,アミラーゼ分泌の低下や障萎縮・線維化を呈する症例があることが報告されている.しかしこのような病態の動物モデルは現在確立されていない.また,終末糖化産物AGE,その受容体であるRAGEは糖尿病血管合併症に関与して いるとされているが,陣-の影響は不明である.糖尿病における障外分泌障害とその機序を明らかにするため,加齢により障ラ氏島の線維化を生じる自然発症2型糖尿病モデル,SpontaneouslyDiabeticTorii(SDT)ラットにcaerulein急性輝炎を発症させ,糖尿病の発症および程度,降の線維化に変化を生じるか否か,同時に,RAGEの発現をRT-PCRにより検討した.結果,障炎による糖尿病発症および降の線維化,糖尿病発症前後および輝炎の有無によるRAGEの発現に変化は認めず,糖尿病ラットモデルにおける障障害とRAGEの関連は明らかではなかった. 続きを見る


Yoshida, Ikko ; Ishizaka, Hiroshi ; Hasegawa, Kazushi ; Satoh, Kiyohiko ; Osanai, Tomohiro ; Motomura, Shigeru ; Okumura, Ken
出版情報: 弘前医学.  61  pp.8-18,  2010-03-25.  弘前大学出版会
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/10129/3275
概要: Objectives The purpose of this study was to test the hypothesis that adenosine-induced coronarymicrovascular dilation is blunted in the animals with diabetes mellitus( DM) through the impairment of KATP channelfunction.  Background Adenosine-induced coronary vasodilation is demonstrated to be mediated by activation of ATPsensitivepotassium( KATP) channels and nitric oxide( NO). Methods The hearts of Otsuka Long-Evans Tokushima fatty rats (OLETF, type 2 DM rats), and control Long-Evans Tokushima fatty rats( LETO) at the ages of 32 and 8 weeks were perfused using a Langendorff system withconstant perfusion pressure (80 mmHg). Changes in coronary fl ow to adenosine, pinacidil and sodium nitroprusside(SNP) were examined before and after administration of glibenclamide( 10-7 M), or NG-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester(L-NAME, 10-4 M).  Results At the age of 32 weeks, adenosine- and pinacidil-induced increases in coronary fl ow were blunted in OLETFas compared with those in LETO (both p<0.05). Glibenclamide attenuated adenosine-induced increase in coronaryfl ow in LETO (p<0.05), but not in OLETF. In contrast, L-NAME attenuated adenosine-induced increase in coronaryflow in OLETF (p<0.05), but not in LETO. SNP-induced increases in coronary flow in LETO and OLETF werecomparable and were not aff ected by glibenclamide. In 8-week-old OLETF and LETO, no diff erence was observed inadenosine-, pinacidil- and SNP-induced increases in coronary fl ow between OLETF and LETO. Conclusions In this type 2 DM model, KATP channel function in coronary microcirculation is impaired. Adenosineinducedincrease in coronary fl ow is mediated mainly by NO mechanism. 続きを見る


川原, 昌之
出版情報: 弘前医学.  65  pp.243-243,  2014-09-30.  弘前大学大学院医学研究科・弘前医学会
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/10129/5443
概要: 弘前医学会例会の一般演題抄録は、一部の演題のみリポジトリにて公開


和田, 龍一
出版情報: pp.1-4,  2009-06-01. 
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/10129/2534
概要: 科学研究費補助金研究成果報告書 ; 研究種目:基盤研究(C) ; 研究期間:2007-2008 ; 課題番号:20260408 ; 研究代表者:和田龍一


Hasan, Kazi N. ; Shoji, Masaru ; Sugimoto, Kazuhiro ; Tsutaya, Shoji ; Yasujima, Minoru
出版情報: 弘前医学.  58  pp.35-52,  2007-03.  弘前大学医学部・弘前医学会
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/10129/222
概要: Arginine vasopressin (AVP), a peptide hormone released from the posterior pituitary, has been suggested to play important roles in cardiovascular regulation, glycogenolysis and platelet aggregation through its V1a receptor (V1aR). In this study, we investigated the association of 4 novel single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in V1aR gene (-6951G/A, -4112A/T, -3860T/C and -242C/T) with hypertension, diabetes mellitus (DM) and glycemic status, and platelet responsiveness to AVP. Genotypes were determined in 365 hypertensives and 255 healthy subjects, 186 patients with type 2 DM (T2DM) and 188 non-diabetic control subjects (CS), and 33 young healthy subjects in the Aomori prefecture. A significant association was found between the SNP -6951G/A and hypertension in nonobese individuals. Multiple logistic analysis demonstrated SNP -6951G/A as an independent risk factor for nonobese hypertension. One haplotype H3 (a-a-c-c) was characteristic to hypertension in nonobese. A significant association was found between the SNP -6951G/A and type 2 DM. Logistic regression also confirmed the significant association of the SNP -6951G/A with type 2 DM. There were a couple of characteristic distributions of heterozygous haplotype combinations in T2DM. In young healthy subjects, GA+AA carriers of SNP -6951 showed significantly higher HbAlc levels than in GG. Platelet aggregation responses to AVP were identical between wild types and variants of any SNPs. These results suggest that -6951G/A SNP and haplotypes created by 4 SNPs of V1aR gene might confer susceptibility to essential hypertension in nonobese individuals and type 2 DM. However, these SNPs might not be useful as genetic marker for platelet aggregation heterogeneity. 続きを見る