

edited by A.A. Moscona, Alberto Monroy
出版情報: San Diego ; Tokyo ; New York : Academic Press, 1966-
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Moscona, Aron Arthur, 1922- ; Monroy, Alberto
出版情報: New York : Academic, 1974
シリーズ名: Current topics in developmental biology / edited by A.A. Moscona, Alberto Monroy ; v. 8
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目次情報: 続きを見る
Reception of immunogenic signals by lymphocytes Michael Feldman and Amiela Globerson
Determination and pattern formation in the imaginal discs of drosophila Peter J. Bryant
Studies on the control of differentiation of murine virus-induced erythroleukemic cells Charlotte Friend, Harvey D. Preisler, and William Scher
Concepts and mechanisms of cartilage differentiation Daniel Levitt and Albert Dorfman
Cell determination and biochemical differentiation of the early mammalian embryo M.C. Herbert and C.F. Graham
Differential gene activity in the pre- and postimplantation mammalian embryo Robert B. Church and Gilbert A. Schultz
Neuronal specificity revisited R.K. Hunt and Marcus Jacobson
Reception of immunogenic signals by lymphocytes Michael Feldman and Amiela Globerson
Determination and pattern formation in the imaginal discs of drosophila Peter J. Bryant
Studies on the control of differentiation of murine virus-induced erythroleukemic cells Charlotte Friend, Harvey D. Preisler, and William Scher