

edited with an introduction by Paul D. Hanson
出版情報: Philadelphia : Fortress Press , London : SPCK, 1983
シリーズ名: Issues in religion and theology ; 2
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目次情報: 続きを見る
What is apocalyptic? Klaus Koch
Old Testament apocalyptic reexamined Paul D. Hanson
Apocalyptic eschatology as the transcendence of death John J. Collins
New light on the third century Michael Stone
Enoch and apocalyptic origins Michael Stone
Wisdom and apocalyptic Jonathan Z. Smith
Apocalytic Christianity Norman Perrin
The attainment of millennial bliss through myth : the Book of Revelation John G. Gager
What is apocalyptic? Klaus Koch
Old Testament apocalyptic reexamined Paul D. Hanson
Apocalyptic eschatology as the transcendence of death John J. Collins


C.A. Patrides, Joseph Wittreich, editors
出版情報: Ithaca, N.Y. : Cornell University Press, 1984
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