

Howard Lasnik and Juan Uriagereka with Cedric Boeckx
出版情報: Malden, Mass. : Blackwell Pub., 2005
シリーズ名: Generative syntax ; 8
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目次情報: 続きを見る
Minimalist expectations : preliminary assumptions, with a review of some familiar notions
From rules to principles and beyond : a strongly constructivist system, with a detailed presentation of phrase-structure
The economy of derivations : featuring movements of various sorts and ways to constrain them
The economy of representations : featuring chain uniformity and case
The last resort character of linguistic computations : on what drives the movement operation and related topics
LF processes : why we (don't?) need them and what they might be
Roles, cycles, binding, and related problems : including a discussion of open questions relating to Wh-movement
Minimalist expectations : preliminary assumptions, with a review of some familiar notions
From rules to principles and beyond : a strongly constructivist system, with a detailed presentation of phrase-structure
The economy of derivations : featuring movements of various sorts and ways to constrain them


Juan Uriagereka
出版情報: London ; New York : Routledge, 2002
シリーズ名: Routledge leading linguists ; 9
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