

瀬尾, 京子 ; 梅田, 孝 ; 高橋, 一平 ; 檀上, 和真 ; 松坂, 方士 ; 中路, 重之
出版情報: 弘前医学.  62  pp.44-55,  2011-03-15.  弘前大学出版会
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/10129/4422
概要: 【目的】我々は女性アスリートで実施される運動,食事制限がもたらす体脂肪の減少とこれにより誘発される性ホルモン分泌や免疫機能の変化を検討した.【方法】対象者は大学女性アスリート51名(体操選手15名,女子長距離陸上選手17名,女子柔道選手19 名)であった.調査項目は,身体組成値,栄養摂取状況,月経状況,血液生化学検査値,血中性ホルモン濃度(FSH,E2),血清オプソニン化活性(SOA)であった.【結果】最も食事制限が厳しく%fatが最も低かった体操選手で月経異常割合が最も高く,次いで長距離陸上選手,柔道選手となっていた.また,体脂肪率,総エネルギー摂取量と脂質摂取量はSOAと有意な正の相関を示した.【結論】脂質摂取を中心とした栄養摂取制限が好中球機能の低下をもたらすとともに,これに付随して生じる体脂肪率の低下もこれを抑制する要因となる可能性が示唆された. 続きを見る


Tanaka, Mitsuhiro ; Umeda, Takashi ; Takahashi, Ippei ; Kasai, Ritsuko ; Matsuda, Motoko ; Iwane, Kaori ; Okubo, Noriyuki ; Wada, Naoko ; Iwabuchi, Kensuke ; Nakaji, Shigeyuki
出版情報: 弘前医学.  64  pp.71-83,  2013-05-31.  弘前大学大学院医学研究科・弘前医学会
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/10129/4905
概要: We evaluated the effect of blood glucose level before transient physical exercise on an athlete’s physical condition and neutrophil functions. The changes and associations between blood glucose level immediately before training and neutrophil function at rest were investigated in female long-distance runners. Seventeen females in a university track team were divided into 2 groups by medial blood glucose levels: 9 subjects were in the high blood glucose group (HBG group) and 8 subjects in the low blood glucose group (LBG group). Myogenic enzymes, immunoglobulines, complements and neutrophil function such as reactive oxygen species( ROS) production capability were measured. The post-practice rate of change in ALT and C3 levels were significantly higher in the LBG group compared to the HBG group. At pre-practice, total ROS production capability was significantly lower in the HBG group compared to LBG group. Total ROS production capability increased significantly post-practice (“normal pattern”) in the HBG group, though it tended to decrease (“abnormal pattern”) in the LBG group. In conclusion, an adequate blood glucose level in athletes prior to exercise is suggested to be effective not only to supply energy to the body, but also to maintain normal immune function which is potentially suppressed during exercise. 続きを見る


Nomura, Tadahiro ; Umeda, Takashi ; Takahashi, Ippei ; Iwane, Kaori ; Okubo, Noriyuki ; Chiba, Yoshinobu ; Miyake, Ryosuke ; Konishi, Hiroyuki ; Tokuda, Itoyo ; Komatsu, Miho ; Nakaji, Shigeyuki
出版情報: 弘前医学.  64  pp.144-157,  2014-02-28.  弘前大学大学院医学研究科・弘前医学会
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/10129/5198
概要: We assessed the effects of L-glutamine intake on muscle tissues and neutrophil functions of judoists after intensive tra ining. Thirty-five male judoists of university student were divided into two groups; glutamine group (18 subjects) and placebo group (17 subjects). During the 7-day intensive judo training camp, a total of 6 g of L-glutamine or placebo per day was given to each subject. Myogenic enzymes, reactive oxygen species (ROS) production capability and phagocyte activity (PA) of neutrophils were measured before and after the 2-hour intensive judo practice on the day before and after the training camp. As a result, at pre-practice, levels of all myogenic enzymes tended to be increased from pre-camp to post-camp in the control group (p<0.05 for CK; p<0.01 for AST, ALT and LDH), whereas such trend was not seen in the glutamine group. Further, the changing rate( before and after the practice) of ROS and PA tended to be lower in the glutamine group than in the control group after the training camp (p<0.05 for PA; p=0.10 for ROS), however there were no significant differences in those between two groups before the training camp (p=0.25 for PA; p=0.28 for ROS). In conclusion, intake of glutamine during an intensive judo training camp had a protective effect against damaged muscle functions and immune functions. 続きを見る


Kudou, Hisashi ; Yaegaki, Makoto ; Takahashi, Ippei ; Umeda, Takashi ; Sawada, Kaori ; Okubo, Noriyuki ; Yamamoto, Yousuke ; Nakaji, Shigeyuki
出版情報: 弘前医学.  64  pp.176-185,  2014-02-28.  弘前大学大学院医学研究科・弘前医学会
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/10129/5201
概要: The relationship between neutrophil function and the muscles damage before and after exercise in judoists was examined. The changes in the body composition, biochemical parameters (neutrophil counts and myogenic enzymes such as aspartate aminotransferase (AST), alanine aminotransferase (ALT) etc. and the major neutrophil immune functions such as oxidative burst activity (OBA) and phagocytic activity (PA) were measured in 39 male university judoists before(pre value) and after 2 hours of unified exercise loading. Increases in myogenic enzymes were confirmed after the exercise, which suggested that the muscular tissue damage and degeneration was caused by the exercise itself. Neutrophil count and OBA increased and PA decreased after exercise. The amount of change (post value – pre value) of OBA showed a negative correlation with LDH and AST (P<0.01 all) and that of PA displayed a positive relationship with LDH and AST (P<0.05 all). Following the muscle damage, neutrophil PA may have increased due to increased biological detritus by phagocytosis such as muscle fragments. The reason for OBA movement against muscle damage(negatively correlated) may be due to the results of compensating OBA and PA e.g. increased OBA and decreased PA, or decreased OBA and increased PA. 続きを見る


Chiba, Yoshinobu ; Umeda, Takashi ; Takahashi, Ippei ; Iwane, Kaori ; Okubo, Noriyuki ; Koeda, Shuhei ; Hirakawa, Yuichi ; Kai, Tomohiko ; Sato, Hiromichi ; Nakaji, Shigeyuki
出版情報: 弘前医学.  65  pp.1-11,  2014-04-15.  弘前大学大学院医学研究科・弘前医学会
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/10129/5309
概要: In order to assess 6-month periodisation of top university ekiden runner, the changes of muscle fatigue and immune funct ions of 17 male university ekiden runners were investigated in each training period. The investigation was carried out during the normal training period (6 months before the race), before and after the intensive training camp period (3 or 4 months before the race), at the start of the conditioning period (one month before the race) and at the end of the conditioning period (10 days before the race). Investigation parameters were myogenic enzymes, serum opsonic activity (SOA) and serum superoxide dismutase (SOD). Neither levels of myogenic enzymes nor immunoglobulins and complements showed any signifi cant changes in each period. The level of SOA signifi cantly decreased after the training camp compared to before, and tended to recover towards the race. SOD levels were signifi cantly higher after the training camp and at the conditioning period compared to before, which might be a reaction against the oxidative stress induced by training. Conclusion, the subjects had good physical management during the training periods prior to the race from the standpoint of muscle fatigue and immune functions. Furthermore, the parameters used in this study may be useful to assess runners’ physical condition during a long season of training. 続きを見る